Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 201

I havent posted anything in a while. I have made little progress in my goals for the new year. I enter in my meals on and I love it. I am trying to keep my diet below 1200 calories. Its tough but I am doing it. I realize that I am overweight and really need to start taking good care of myself. So I can be healthy and around for my daughter and husband. I also want to look good in a bathing suit when my husband and and I go to the beach. Its really time to buckle down and take this serious. I have already had one health scare 3 years ago. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It was very scary but I was strong. I also have celiac desease. Basically cant have any gluten. But again working through it. another thing that I love is the xbox kinect. Been playing it and love the excersizes. Fun!!!! I love that my family supports me and just wants the best. Just taking it day by day. I figure I need to get healthy to get pregnant. One goal at a time.

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