Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 201

I havent posted anything in a while. I have made little progress in my goals for the new year. I enter in my meals on and I love it. I am trying to keep my diet below 1200 calories. Its tough but I am doing it. I realize that I am overweight and really need to start taking good care of myself. So I can be healthy and around for my daughter and husband. I also want to look good in a bathing suit when my husband and and I go to the beach. Its really time to buckle down and take this serious. I have already had one health scare 3 years ago. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It was very scary but I was strong. I also have celiac desease. Basically cant have any gluten. But again working through it. another thing that I love is the xbox kinect. Been playing it and love the excersizes. Fun!!!! I love that my family supports me and just wants the best. Just taking it day by day. I figure I need to get healthy to get pregnant. One goal at a time.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jan. 3, 2011

Well, I have done a lot withing just 2 days. Yesterday I went to church but we got there late. So my husband and decided to make one our resolutions make it to church on time. I also cleaned & went grocery shopping. Didn't go crazy on the health snacks cause I already eat healthy. Comes with the territory of having celiac disease. Cannot eat fatty, fried foods with bread. I also got some aromatherapy candles, and air fresheners. Had a bad fall last night and was scared is was going to delay my exercising. And I know when it happened my husband wanted to laugh so hard but was proud that he didn't. But I know if I mention it today we both will be laughing. Thank god I put ice on my knee and now I am feeling good and ready to get started. Today is my first day at work in the new year. It started out wonderfully. No traffic and got a free venti decaf skinny cinnamon dolce latte. I am snacking on cinnamon chex mix. I plan on a salad for lunch and making turkey patties with wild rice and a salad for dinner. To get my exercise I will play dance central on the xbox, but enjoy it with the family. This is my new beginning and hopefully it leads me into the right direction.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day One of My New Years Resolution

Today is January 1, 2011. I am beginning my new years resolution. I have learned that when you write things down you tend to really follow through with them. Like a grocery list, you get everything that you wrote on the list. So I figure if I write down everything I would like to achieve for 2011 then I will actually follow through with them. So here it goes.
1. Get into our own house (Both me and my husband's goal)
2. Stop drinking.
3. Become more involved with my daughter and her school, sports and interests
4. Get Healthy (eating right, exercising more, Spiritually healthy)
5. Get pregnant
6. Get further in school
7. Expand in my career
8. Start my business
9. Become a stronger person (stop allowing people to run over me and speaking up for myself)
10. Be more independent (focus more on myself)
11. Take trips with my husband and grow in our relationship (Bora Bora, Bahamas and Aruba)

There you have it. Not in any specific order. But I plan on writing about how I will achieve these things and will write about it almost everyday. How I will get closer to getting all these things. So because it's written it is now time to check them off one by one and I hope there will be someone out there who will enjoy to read about these things.
Good Luck!!