Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day One of My New Years Resolution

Today is January 1, 2011. I am beginning my new years resolution. I have learned that when you write things down you tend to really follow through with them. Like a grocery list, you get everything that you wrote on the list. So I figure if I write down everything I would like to achieve for 2011 then I will actually follow through with them. So here it goes.
1. Get into our own house (Both me and my husband's goal)
2. Stop drinking.
3. Become more involved with my daughter and her school, sports and interests
4. Get Healthy (eating right, exercising more, Spiritually healthy)
5. Get pregnant
6. Get further in school
7. Expand in my career
8. Start my business
9. Become a stronger person (stop allowing people to run over me and speaking up for myself)
10. Be more independent (focus more on myself)
11. Take trips with my husband and grow in our relationship (Bora Bora, Bahamas and Aruba)

There you have it. Not in any specific order. But I plan on writing about how I will achieve these things and will write about it almost everyday. How I will get closer to getting all these things. So because it's written it is now time to check them off one by one and I hope there will be someone out there who will enjoy to read about these things.
Good Luck!!

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